Or worse, the poop of another dog?
Ok, I don’t know if it’s really worse, but it somehow seems worse.
Either way, both are disgusting and not something you want to watch your beloved pup do.
It leaves us all wondering: why does my Yorkie eat poop?
It turns out, it is actually not uncommon behavior. And there are a number of possible reasons for it.
Keep reading to learn why your Yorkshire terrier might eat poop. We will also help you figure out what to do about it, if you would like to put a stop to this behavior.
Why Does My Yorkie Eat Poop?
Your Yorkie might eat its own poop due to poor nutrition. Or even just because it is bored! Dogs eating their own poop is not uncommon. In fact, it even has its own name: it is referred to as coprophagia.
Let’s take a closer look at those two reasons your Yorkshire terrier might eat its own poop, along with a few other, less common, ones.
Lack Of Nutrition
A common reason your Yorkie may start eating its own poop is a lack of nutrition. It is not uncommon for dogs to start eating their own poop, if they are not getting enough healthy food.
They will eat their poop as a way to get more nutrients. I know, that does not sound appealing in the slightest!
So why not make it so your dog does not have to resort to such drastic measures? The best way to ensure your pup does not need to consume its feces is to give your Yorkie a balanced diet.
They need carbohydrates, fat and a lot of protein in their diet. For a well-balanced diet, you can feed your Yorkie quality ready-made food from the store, either wet food in cans or dried kibble.
Any good commercial dog food is packed full of all the essential nutrients your Yorkie needs and should hopefully put a stop to any poop-eating. You can also make your own nutritious dog food at home with these easy recipes.
Another reason why Yorkie might eat its own poop comes down to behavioral issues. Most commonly it is a result of boredom, but could also be due to stress or anxiety.
Your Yorkie may become bored if you leave it on its own for a long period of time or do not give it enough attention. This can lead to destructive behaviour, because it will look for ways to grab your attention. Eating poop is one way your pup might act out.
The same also goes for stress or anxiety. If your Yorkie is feeling stressed or anxious, it is also going to want to grab your attention, even if means getting in trouble. Bad attention is better than no attention.
If you think your Yorkie has been spending a bit too much time on its own and starts eating its own poop, the best thing you can do is take some time to show it some love. Once your Yorkie becomes relaxed again, you should notice a change in its behavior.
Other Reasons
There are also lots of other reasons your Yorkie may be eating its own poop. It could be down to a health issue. This could be anything from diabetes to worms.
If you believe it may be a health issue, then other symptoms to look out for may include sickness, tiredness, and a lack of appetite. You may also want to take a closer look at your Yorkie’s poop, to make sure there are no worms in there.
If it is your Yorkie’s health that is causing the poop eating, then you can usually fix the problem with medication. Make an appointment for your Yorkie to see the vet. They will be able to assess the issue and prescribe your Yorkie some medication to help it get better.
Your Yorkie could even be eating its own poop purely because it is a dog and this is its natural instinct. They get this behavior from their wolf ancestors.
Wolves used to do this as a way to keep their den clean and safe from parasites. So, if you can’t put your finger on the exact reason your Yorkie is eating its own poop, it could purely be because it is a dog’s ancestral behavior.
There isnโt too much you can do as an owner, if you believe this is the reason for the poop-eating. You can try telling your Yorkie ‘no’ every time you spot it eating its own poop.
Training it to stop the behavior takes time and effort, but it works. Or, if you don’t want to deal with that, you could just let it be. At least it will keep your lawn clean!
Why Does My Yorkie Eat His Poop: Final Thoughts
Your Yorkie eating poop is not uncommon behavior. It is something all dogs might do from time to time. Usually it is the result of poor nutrition or simple boredom. But it can also be due to a few other reasons.
Hopefully this article helped you figure out why your Yorkie has been eating poop and you were able to put a stop to this behavior. Of course, that does mean you’re back to scooping!
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