And I don’t think there’s anything you can do to their hair to change that.
I recently say a video of a mini Yorkie whose hair was charged with static electricity. It was sticking out in every direction and looked ridiculous.
But the little dog was still adorable, even with the world’s ugliest hair.
So that’s the good news. No matter which of the teacup Yorkie haircut styles you choose, your dog will still be insanely cute.
But the different styles do have various advantages and disadvantages.
Keep reading for a list of the most popular hairstyle for teacup Yorkshire terriers, along with any info you need to know about them. This should help you find the perfect style for your pup.
Teacup Yorkie Haircut Styles
You can really do almost anything in terms of styling your pup, but most owners like to stick to the tried and true haircut styles for teacup Yorkshire terriers. Each of the following hairstyles is popular with mini Yorkie owners. And the dogs themselves seem to like them too!
A shaved cut, as you might suspect, is when your Yorkieโs hair is clipped close to the skin. Shaved coats are easier to look after, because they do not become as dirty and you donโt have to brush your Yorkie’s hair as often.
All of this makes shaved cuts great, if you have a busy schedule. You can choose to also cut the hair on their face short, or leave it long. Whatever you prefer!
As you can probably guess, this is just slightly longer than a shaved coat. Itโs also easy to keep on top of with grooming and still leaves your Yorkie looking clean and tidy. Short hair is usually two or three inches in length and is probably the most popular choice for Yorkie owners.
The medium cut is also a popular choice with Yorkie owners. A medium haircut is the perfect choice if you want to show off your Yorkieโs luscious coat, but still keep grooming needs in check.
This cut is still easy to stay on top of when it comes to grooming and the extra length means you can experiment with top knots and bows on your Yorkieโs head.
You may want to go with a long haircut, if you want to show off all your Yorkieโs different hair colorings. Long hair is free-flowing and windswept when you go for walks.
Long cuts require more grooming, since the hair is more prone to tangles. You may also need to condition regularly, but if you really want to show your Yorkie off, this is the perfect hairstyle.
Teddy Bear
A teddy bear cut keeps your Yorkie’s hair the same length all over. It gives your pup a younger appearance and the fluffiness of the cut will make it even cuddlier than it already is.
If you choose to give your Yorkie the teddy bear cut, be ready for constant grooming. It takes a lot of upkeep to make sure the teddy bear cut holds its shape.
Westie Cut
If your Yorkie has medium or long hair and you want to make its hairstyle more interesting, you could choose to give it the westie cut. It is named after the West Highland Terrier, a breed that typically sports this hairstyle.
This is probably a cut to request at the groomers, rather than trying it yourself. It is quite complex. On the sides of the face, the hair needs to be cut so that it curves inwards and toward the face and then meets at the chin. You can either tie the hair on the top of the head into a top knot or cut it shorter, so that it doesnโt get into your dog’s eyes.
When it comes to the flared style, you can either choose for your Yorkie to have its fur cut short or shaved.
The flared style is where the hair is cut short on the body, but is left long on the head and legs. It gives the appearance that your Yorkie is wearing flares on the legs. It is arguably the most interesting of all styles and is quite popular with Yorkie owners.
You have the option of either shaving your Yorkieโs body hair, or leaving it short. It really just depends which look you prefer, or if you simply want your Yorkie to have some fluff.
If your Yorkie has long hair, you could also think about layering it. The layers really stand out thanks to the black and golden coloring of the Yorkshire terrier’s fur. Itโs a great style if you really want to show your Yorkie off.
The main downside is that the layered look requires a lot of grooming. Youโll need to brush your Yorkie at least once a day and you will also need to bathe it regularly, because the longer hair holds much more dirt than shorter hair does.
Teacup Yorkie Grooming Styles: Final Thoughts
The teacup Yorkie haircut styles above are the most common and most popular grooming styles for these tiny little dogs. But they are far from your only options. The possibilities are virtually endless.
The key is to find the right balance for you between showing off your Yorkshire terrier’s famous, luscious hair and keeping your grooming tasks from overwhelming you. The longer the hair, the more impressive it looks, but also the more time ad effort it takes to keep it looking good.
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