Most cases of dog constipation are easy to treat and soon go away on their own.
But there are also some cases where you need to involve a vet.
The key is knowing the difference.
Keep reading to learn which symptoms might indicate a more serious condition, meaning that a visit to the vet is in order.
We’ll also cover some great home remedies for Yorkie constipation. If your pup has a mild case, you can get him or her feeling better again in no time.
My Yorkie Is Constipated: Possible Causes
In order to treat constipation properly, you first need to figure out what is causing it. You can generally treat mild cases using a natural home remedy, while other cases need immediate action from your vet.
The common symptoms of constipation that your dog might experience are straining to poop, having dry and hard stool, or sometimes absent or infrequent pooping.
How often do yorkies poop under normal circumstances? Generally, from 1 to 3 times a day for adult dogs, but it does depend on a number of factors.
The most problematic cases are those where your dog develops other diseases along with constipation. It is generally easy for dog owners to diagnose constipation, but it is much more difficult to diagnose underlying causes.
When constipation is accompanied by vomiting and a loss of energy, enthusiasm or appetite, it can be a serious issue. Get your pup to the vet as soon as possible.
As a general rule, if the condition persists for a while and is accompanied by pain and other underlying symptoms, you need to take your Yorkie to the vet. These additional symptoms can indicate that something is seriously wrong on the inside. When in doubt, get en route!
Yorkie Constipation Remedy For Mild Cases
Making sure that your Yorkie eats right is essential. Your precious little furry needs a well-balanced diet.
If you have been feeding your dog cheap generic food, you need to switch it up. High-quality dog foods are formulated and tested to be easily digestible. Plus, they offer more health benefits that work to prevent any digestive issues like constipation.
You also want to keep a healthy feeding schedule. This means feeding at regular times and, most importantly, not overfeeding your Yorkie. Read “How Much Food Should A Yorkie Eat?” for help.
If you have an aging dog suffering from constipation, it might also be a good idea to change its lifestyle. Diet is also important, perhaps even more so with older dogs. Always check the ingredients in every food you give your dog. That way you can keep track of which ingredients cause issues.
Always keep your Yorkie hydrated at all times and make sure it gets sufficient exercise. Go for a long walk at least once a day. In addition to exercise, it’s also a good bonding experience between the two of you.
What Can I Give My Yorkie For Constipation?
Constipation is not hard to treat as long as it is diagnosed early. It is one of those illnesses you can easily cure yourself using home remedies and treatments.
As always, please consult with your vets first, before trying out a treatment, to ensure if it is appropriate for your Yorkie.
Wheat And Oat Bran
Wheat and oat bran are rich in fiber, making it an excellent nutrient for digestion. It is good in most cases and, of course, in moderation.
Bran is the outer shell of the grain. It is often removed during processing, but this outer shell is rich in fiber. It helps the colon stay in shape and healthy, is good for weight management, and helps prevent constipation, diarrhea, and diabetes.
Just add a small amount of bran to your Yorkie’s regular food. It is best in moderation because dog food contains bran already. You just want to amp it up a bit to help ease the digestion process. If you’re not sure of the right amount, start with very little and slowly ramp it up. Better yet, ask your vet.
Plain Pumpkin
Another great home remedy you can feed your Yorkie is canned pumpkin. Canned natural pumpkin is another great source of fiber, meaning it will help with digestion.
The pumpkin is a festive gourd and is considered somewhat of a miracle food for dogs. It’s good for diarrhea and constipation.
Canned pumpkin also contains beta-carotene, which is also known as vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for dogs, but only in moderation. In larger amounts, it can be toxic to their body.
If your Yorkie is experiencing constipation, add a tablespoon of pumpkin to its normal food and you are good to go.
Milk Or Other Dairy Products
Dairy is a hit and a miss for dogs, just like it is for us humans. Some dogs can also be lactose intolerant.
Milk can help if your dog is suffering from constipation and is lactose intolerant at the same time, because it can act as a laxative.
However, too much dairy will lead to other complications, such as diarrhea. Let your Yorkie drink a small amount and see how it goes. It won’t hurt your pet to drink a little bit and it should make things easier when it tries to defecate.
Olive Or Vegetable Oil
This is one remedy that you don’t want to depend on too much. Oils can cause diarrhea in dogs. Finding the perfect amount is vital.
When times are desperate, add a tablespoon of oil to your dog’s food to lubricate its stool for easy passing.
Ginger And Broth
This is another good home remedy to try. You can either use chicken or beef broth. Mix ginger and bone broth together, and you have a dog constipation treatment.
All you have to do is to mix ยผ teaspoon of ginger and ยฝ cup of the broth. Ginger helps soothe an upset stomach and together with the broth, it will get things moving along the digestive tract.
What is great about this solution is that is uses items most of us already have in our kitchens. That means you don’t have to go out and buy anything. However, if you don’t have bone broth, the button below will take you to a good product on Amazon.
Switch To Canned Food
A typical portion of dog food is either plain dry kibble, or one with different flavors. If your dog eats dry kibbles, and none of the other remedies above work, the dry kibble might be the culprit.
So why not try switching to quality canned food for a few days?
This has the added bonus of getting your dog that it gets to eat a different type of food. Since the canned dog food is typically wet, it adds moisture and flavor to your Yorkie’s food.
It is easy to swallow and easy to digest. In short: it is an easy fix that is worth a try.
What To Give A Yorkie For Constipation In Serious Cases
A severe case of constipation is obviously the worst possible scenario. Most of the time, your veterinarian will prescribe you a laxative called Psyllium.
Psyllium Husk Powder
Psyllium works by absorbing water and bulking up feces in the colon. It takes about 72 hours for it to kick in.
Make sure to get the unflavored, unsweetened version, so your dogs won’t even know it’s there. Make sure you follow your vet’s prescription on how much to give your Yorkie, and how often to give it.
Vetasyl Fiber Capsules
Another medicine you can try with your dog is Virbac Vetasyl Fiber Capsules. Vetasyl is a 100% natural fiber supplement for your loving pet.
It is a capsule food supplement that is designed to be sprinkled over dog food. It is fiber-rich, making it suitable for any pet suffering from constipation.
Probiotics For Dogs Health Supplements
Zesty Paws’ Probiotic Digestive supplements are another good solution for severe cases of constipation. They are made from an innovative formula of premium fibers, enzymes, and prebiotics.
This supplement is designed to get your furry friend’s digestive system back on track, without your Yorkie even thinking of it as a medicine. Give your dog this supplement for a while, and before you know it, it will be back to its lively self, pooping regularly.
Another treatment to cure constipation is an enema. This is a procedure that flushes out a constipated canine’s colon. It is a little tricky and complicated, so it is best to have a vet do it.
If even this doesn’t help, the cause of constipation might be a foreign object that is blocking the bowels or digestive tract. In this case, your Yorkie may need surgery.
Prevent Constipation In Yorkies
As usual, the easiest way to cure something is to not even have it in the first place. Preventing constipation is generally a matter of a healthy diet.
The golden rule is to feed your Yorkie high-quality foods and make sure it has pure water at all times. Having sufficient fiber in its diet will help your pet digest its food correctly, but having too much fiber can cause it to produce gas.
One superfood that a lot of vets recommend is canned pumpkin. Yorkies particularly love this food because it has a good amount of sweetness. It was one of our recommended products above. Adding some of that to your pet’s regular meals can help prevent constipation.
Yorkie Constipation: Conclusion
Constipation does not usually pose a serious threat to a dog’s overall health, if treated promptly. It often goes away when you add fiber to your Yorkie’s diet, or switch to a healthier dog food. But if it does not go away soon, or becomes more serious, visit your vet as soon as possible.
Loyda says
Excellent information. Thanks ๐