Or whatever that book was called.
The point was that there are numerous differences between the sexes.
And the same goes for Yorkshire terriers.
There are a number of differences between male and female Yorkies.
As a result of those differences, it is likely that one sex is better suited as a pet for you than the other.
Naturally, different people will have different preferences.
Keep reading for an examination of the differences between female vs male Yorkies, along with the advantages of each sex. By the end of the article, you should know which sex is better for you.
Male Vs Female Yorkie
In general, owners show a slight preference for male Yorkies over female ones. Male Yorkies have a reputation for being less moody than their female counterparts.
Of course, many will disagree. But there is a difference between the sexes, and the sex of the dog is one of the main things to look for when buying a Yorkie. You should know which sex you want and why. This article will help.
As you continue to read, you will learn that the two sexes can behave a bit differently. That does not make one better than the other on the whole, but it may make one better suited for you than the other.
Characteristics Of Male Yorkies
There are a number of characteristics that define male Yorkies. As mentioned, they are usually less moody than female Yorkies, especially after they have been neutered.
This also makes them easier to socialize with new people. However, male Yorkies are more likely to wait for you to give them attention, rather than your Yorkie coming up to you.
They like you to come and say hi to them, so donโt think your male Yorkie is ignoring you! They still love attention, but they are more likely to wait until you are ready to give it to them.
Less positive characteristics of male Yorkies include them being easily distracted. This can cause issues when trying to train your dog. To try and get around this, itโs always best to train your Yorkie in short bursts of 10 to 15 minutes. This will help ensure you don’t lose their attention.
Yorkie males also like to try and establish themselves as the pack leader. This can become a particular issue, if you have more than one dog in your household. However, if you train them right, they should still answer to you as their leader, no matter what.
Characteristics Of Female Yorkshire Terriers
Female Yorkshire Terriers are a little different. For example, they can appear to be distant when they havenโt been spayed. This is due to their heat cycle and the fluctuation in their hormones. During this time, they may prefer to be left alone.
However, female Yorkies can be much more affectionate than males. They are more likely to come to you when they want attention and will be more than happy to jump up for a cuddle.
Differences Between Male And Female Yorkies
The most noticeable difference between male and female Yorkies is their size. Yorkie males are usually a little larger in build than females.
They tend to be taller and have more muscle mass. Your average male is eight to nine inches in height, while the average height of a female is seven to eight inches.
A male also weighs more. Male Yorkies usually tip the scales at five to seven pounds, while females usually come in at four to six pounds.
But the differences are not just physical. Female Yorkies are usually better able to focus on things like training, because males tend to be more excitable.
On the other hand, male Yorkies are generally easier to socialize with. They tend to get along better with other dogs, or any other pets you may have in your household.
Both genders of Yorkies are also quite similar in a number of ways. To start with, they both have the same average lifespan. You can expect your Yorkie to live between 11 to 15 years.
You will also pay around the same amount for either sex, if you buy your Yorkie while it is still a puppy. The price for a Yorkie puppy, male or female, runs anywhere from $1500 to $2500.
Both genders also have fun personalities. There will be a lot of play time with you and your Yorkie. This breed loves playing with toys, going out for walks, and receiving plenty of hugs and kisses. They love to be the center of attention.
Both sexes are also similar in the amount of care they need. They need the same amount of grooming, the same amount of food to eat, and will incur around the same everyday costs.
Advantages Of Male Yorkshire Terriers
There are many advantages of choosing a male Yorkie as a pet. Male Yorkies are well known for being better guards or watchdogs. This is because they are usually more aggressive than female Yorkies.
They are also more likely to form a strong bond with just one person. “Do yorkies get attached to one person?” is a common question for a reason. But it is usually the males who do this.
This also means they will protect this one person the best they possibly can. Male dogs also have a louder bark, which makes them much better at sounding an alarm.
Other advantages of male Yorkies include them being more affectionate than females. A male Yorkie loves a cuddle and a play around. Even though you may have to go up to them, they will never turn down any affection.
Advantages Of Female Yorkies
Female Yorkies also have many advantages. To start with, they are less aggressive than males. Your Yorkie female will be less likely to get herself into any fights or try to assert her dominance by being the leader of the pack.
However, you will need to be a little more careful of aggressive behavior, if she has recently given birth. A mother will always look to protect her young.
A female Yorkie is also easier to train. This is because females are less excitable than male Yorkies. They have longer attention spans, so you can make your training sessions a bit longer. This can cut down on the length of time it takes to teach them something new.
Unlike male Yorkies, who usually just latch onto their one main person, female Yorkies are more likely to form an equal bond with every person in the family or household.
Are Boy Or Girl Yorkies Better?
As mentioned in the beginning, neither is better than the other. But one sex is likely better suited to be your pet than the other one. Which one differs from person to person.
Who Should Get A Male Yorkie?
A male Yorkie would be most suited to someone who lives on their own. This is because male Yorkies naturally latch onto just one person. For a person living on their own, there is no doubt that you would be able to create an unbreakable bond with your Yorkie.
Males make better guard dogs, too, which is also important if you live on your own. This will help you to feel safer, knowing that your dog is able to protect you.
Who Should Get A Female Yorkie?
Female Yorkies are generally better suited to a family. Female Yorkies are less likely to bond with only one person and will instead make time for everyone they live with.
This is much better for families, because it means your Yorkie will love all of you equally. She will want to play with everyone in the household, give cuddles to everyone, and let everyone care for her.
Female Yorkies are also less aggressive, which is better if you have children. Sometimes smaller children can aggravate animals. With a calmer temperament, a female Yorkie is less likely to snap.
And, of course, you’ll want a female Yorkie if you plan to breed her and have puppies. Make sure you do your research beforehand. You want to know how long Yorkies are in labor, and everything else to expect from a normal birth, so that you can quickly recognize if something is out of the ordinary.
Yorkie Male Vs Female: Conclusion
One of the biggest decisions you have to make when getting a Yorkshire terrier is choosing whether to get a male or female Yorkie. Both sexes have advantages and disadvantages.
Hopefully after reading through the characteristics and the advantages of each of the sexes, you have a better idea which one is right for you. The good news is that no matter which sex you end up getting, you’re going to go home with a wonderful new family member!
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