Get used to it.
Yorkies tend to stick their tongues out more than any other dog breed.
And there are numerous reasons they do this. Most are perfectly harmless.
But sometimes, that dangling tongue can indicate an underlying issue.
Does that mean there might be something wrong with your Yorkie?
Probably not. Keep reading to learn why Yorkies stick their tongues out and when you need to be worried and make an appointment with a vet.
Why Do Yorkies Stick Their Tongues Out?
Yorkies stick their tongues out for many different reasons. They do when they are sick, when they have hanging tongue syndrome, when they are hot, when they feel playful, or if they have a dental condition.
Tongue Sticking Out Due To Illness
One concerning reason your Yorkie could be constantly sticking its tongue out is that itโs sick. If your Yorkie is panting while its tongue is out, this could be a sign of illness. Panting can be a sign your Yorkie has a fever, because this is the main way dogs try and cool down.
If your Yorkie is panting and yelping simultaneously, this could be a sign of an injury or a painful illness. If this is the case, you should take your Yorkie to the vet as soon as possible.
If you suspect an illness, then you should try and keep your Yorkie as comfortable as possible, until youโre able to take it to the vet. Keep itย hydrated so that their tongue does not start to dry out or crack.
Hanging Tongue Syndrome
Your Yorkie may also have hanging tongue syndrome. This is a condition that causes a Yorkshire terrier to continuously hang its tongue out of its mouth.
Usually, itโs non-genetic and the result of your Yorkie losing its lower teeth. Without the teeth as a barrier to hold it in, the tongue can just hang loosely from the jaw.
If your Yorkie does have hanging tongue syndrome, make sure you keep a close eye on it to try and prevent any infections that could arise. Your Yorkie is more likely to pick up nasty bacteria and illnesses through its tongue.
Feeling Hot
Of course, we all know that dogs stick out their tongues and pant when they are hot. This is their way of cooling down.
If it is a hot day, or your dog has been getting a lot of exercise, this is nothing to worry about. But if your dog is panting and has its tongue hanging out on a cold day and when you see no other reason it should be feeling hot, it could have a fever, as mentioned above.
Your Yorkie Wants To Play
A completely different reason as to why your Yorkie is sticking out its tongue is that it wants to play with you! Yorkies are known for being playful dogs and your pup could be doing this as a way to communicate to you that it likes you and wants to play with you.
This is a bit different from the reason humans usually stick out their tongues!
A Yorkie may become particularly playful and try to lick you with its tongue. Yorkies use their tongues to kiss and show affection, so if your Yorkie does this to you then it most certainly means it likes you and feels comfortable around you.
Why Yorkies Lick So Much
One of the most common reasons a Yorkie licks so much is because it is showing you affection or it wants attention. Itโs a Yorkieโs way of showing you some love. Yorkshire terriers will lick you if they want to give you lots of kisses.
They may also do it to get your attention. If your Yorkie wants something from you, then licking your hand is a sure way to grab your attention.
Other reasons include your Yorkie reacting to stress. Yorkies are a very emotional breed of dog and licking can be a way they try to comfort themselves.
Another reason could be that your pup is curious. It may want to know how certain things taste, or even how you taste!
Or, even if youโve told it not to play with something in the house, curiosity may get the better of it and it may have to give that object a lick, just to make sure it isn’t missing out on anything.
Most licking is harmless, but you do want to make sure your Yorkie isnโt licking a lot because it is upset. They are known to lick as a way to provide comfort to themselves. If this is the case, you should try your best to keep it calm.
Why Yorkies Stick Out Their Tongues: Final Thoughts
Yorkshire terriers stick their tongues out a lot. Obviously, you’ve noticed that. And it is natural to worry, especially if you have experience with other breeds that tend to keep their tongues in their mouths more.
But most of the time, a dangling tongue is perfectly harmless. As long as you are able to tell when it might be something more serious, you will be fine. And hopefully this article has helped with that.
As always, if you suspect something might be wrong, even if it is just the tiniest suspicion, go ahead and contact a vet. It is always better to be on the safe wide, when it comes to your dog’s health.
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