But not always.
Most of the time they’re unsightly, but harmless.
However, they can also indicate a more serious problem.
If your Yorkie suffers from excessive tear staining, you should take your dog to a vet.
But if it’s just regular tear stains with no underlying problem, you have nothing to worry about.
If you want to get rid of them, there are a lot of option. Blueberries sound like one of the best, since they are all-natural.
But do blueberries help with dog tear stains? Or is that just one of those old wives’ tales?
Keep reading to find our if blueberries can help remove your Yorkie’s tear stains, or if it is just a waste of time. We’ll cover some easy preventative measures you can take as well.
Do Blueberries Help With Dog Tear Stains?
Yes, feeding your dog blueberries is a natural way to get rid of those pesky tear stains. Moreover, blueberries are entirely safe for dogs to eat and they have numerous health benefits.
Let’s take a look at what exactly tear stains are and what they mean. We’ll also discuss the safety and health benefits of blueberries for dogs, and finish with some tips on preventing tear stains in dogs.
Dog Tear Stains Explained
You may have noticed some rust-brown discoloration on your dogโs face next to or underneath their eyes. These are called tear stains.
Unlike human tears, dog tears are not clear like water, since they contain iron from shed red blood cells.
Tear stains may be a sign of health issues, so they are something you need to pay attention to. One likely cause is allergies, which is an easy fix with the proper medication and diet.
But tear stains might also point to something more serious. like glaucoma, conjunctivitis, or some type of infection. If your pet suffers from excessive tea stains or Yorkie eye boogers, we highly recommend having a vet take a look.
Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?
It is totally safe for dogs to consume blueberries. They can even eat them regularly, as long as the portion is controlled. Your dog can eat two or three berries at a time with no issues.
Blueberries have tons of vitamins and antioxidants that are good for dogs. One of the causes of tear stains is impurities. The antioxidants in blueberries take care of those tear stains for your Yorkie.
But blueberries are not the only solution for tear stains. An even better solution is to try and keep them from forming in the first place. Let’s look at some ways to help prevent tear stains in Yorkies or other dogs.
Preventing Tear Stains
If you do not want your dog to get those stains anymore, there are some simple courses of action to take. Here are some ways you can prevent tear stains.
Give Your Dog Pure Water
As previously mentioned, tear stains can be caused by impurities. Most tap water is filled with metals and impurities that are not healthy for your dog. And some of them can cause tear stains.
It is best if you can filter your tap water before giving it to your dog. This will help remove impurities. Another option is to buy pure water, but this obviously costs more.
Filtering is generally the easiest and most cost effective solution. There are even water dispensers available for dogs that filter the water automatically.
Feed Your Dog Healthier Food
Pay attention to the food you give to your dog. Some dog food brands contain chemical additives and cheap ingredients that are harmful to your pet.
Switch out their food with healthier options that are made from all-natural ingredients and pure meat. If you do buy dog food at the store, make sure to read the label before buying carefully.
You can also ask a vet for advice, or check out all of our favorite dog foods for tear stains. We also have a list of dog food ingredients that can cause tear stains.
Your dog might have watery eyes and tear stains because of overly thick fur. The fur around the eyes might be irritating them and making the problem worse.
It is always best to have your dog groomed regularly, if at all possible. If this is not possible for budgetary or other reasons, you can do the trimming yourself. At the very least, trim the hair around the eyes.
Of course, you need to be careful not to injure your pet when grooming it. Make sure you use high quality dog grooming tools.
Blueberries For Yorkie Tear Stains: Conclusion
Blueberries are a superfood with many health benefits. In addition, they are a great way to remove your dogโs tear stains naturally. You can feed them blueberries to help remove those pesky tear stains.
Even better, take steps to prevent tear stains from appearing again in the future. Simple measures, like ensuring you give your Yorkie pure water and all-natural food go a long way.
If your dog already has tear stains that just won’t go away, use a good dog tear stain remover. The best ones are all-natural, with no harmful ingredients.
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