Or maybe you want to feed your pup something other than commercial dog food?
Either way, there are plenty of other delicious and healthy options.
What can I feed my Yorkie besides dog food?
That’s what we are going to cover today.
Keep reading for some great suggestions, most of which are items you probably already have in your home. We will also go over some foods you should never feed your pup, just to be safe.
What Can I Feed My Yorkie Besides Dog Food?
There are many foods Yorkies can eat besides dog food. You almost certainly have some of them in your refrigerator and cabinet right now.
Let’s take a look at some of the human foods your Yorkshire terrier can have, followed by some it should not eat. We also have an article on making your own dog food for Yorkies. The recipes all use common ingredients you are likely to already have.
Food You Can Feed Your Yorkie
It may put you into a panic if you run out of dog food, especially if you donโt live near a store and canโt easily pick more up. However, chances are you already have lots of tasty and healthy foods that your Yorkie will love right there in your home.
You can feed your Yorkie any type of boneless meat such as chicken or beef. Fish is good too, but you need to make sure you remove all the bones.
You can add some onion-free gravy to the meat for some added flavor, and perhaps some cooked rice to bulk out the meal. You can also add in some vegetables like broccoli, carrots or peas, to add some healthy vitamins to your Yorkieโs meal.
If youโre looking for just a quick meal to feed your Yorkie, they love scrambled eggs or oatmeal. Sweetcorn is also good and it helps their digestive system, because it is packed full of fiber. You can serve it with eggs or with meat and rice.
If you want to feed your Yorkie some sweet foods, they love blueberries or bananas. Blueberries are jam-packed with antioxidants, that will help to keep your Yorkie in top health.
Bananas are always a hit with Yorkies. Just make sure not to feed too much banana. They contain a considerable amount of potassium. Since Yorkies are small, you want to make sure you don’t overload your little pup with potassium.
Food You Should Not Feed Your Yorkie
Even though there are many tasty human foods you can feed your Yorkie, there are also some foods that you should never give your Yorkshire terrier. Some are toxic to dogs and some simply have no nutritional value.
Foods you should not feed your Yorkie include the obvious such as chocolate, sweets and sugar. Chocolate is a well-known poisonous food for dogs and if they eat too much, it could quickly become fatal. Sugar and sweets can also cause obesity issues, bloating and make your Yorkie hyper.
You should also avoid feeding your Yorkie avocados, caffeine, corn on the cob, grapes or raisins, salt, onions, and garlic. I would also recommend that you refrain from feeding your Yorkie any processed food, such as frozen meats like chicken nuggets, dairy products and chips.
You may not think it, but cooked bones are also something you should avoid feeding to your Yorkie. Dogs enjoy eating bones, but cooked bones from your meats at home are softer and could break apart and choke your Yorkie. Stick to bones from the pet store for your little friend to enjoy.
Do Yorkies Need To Eat Every Day?
If you own, or are about to own, a Yorkshire terrier, you need to make sure you feed it every day. And several times a day, at that.
If you have a Yorkie puppy, you should be feeding it three to four times a day. They have small stomachs, so multiple small meals per day is the way to go.
An adult Yorkie will need two to three meals a day. The meals will be a bit larger, but obviously still quite smaller compared to most other dog breeds.
If you have a puppy, it is best to get it puppy-specific food. This article lists foods that are good for Yorkie puppies. Once your puppy reaches the age of nine months to one year, you can start to feed it adult food.
Depending on your personal preference, you can feed your Yorkie dry food or canned food (I like feeding both). Either of these options will provide your Yorkie with all the nutrients it needs to live a happy and healthy life. You could even add some interest to the food with human options listed above, such as meats or rice.
What Can Yorkies Eat Besides Dog Food: Final Thoughts
Yorkies can eat a lot of human foods. The main things you want to avoid are processed foods. Meats like chicken or beef are always good and you can mix them with a tasty gravy, some rice, and some vegetables. Other grains work well, too.
Some owners prefer to make all of their own dog food, because they like to know what is in the food their give their pups. We linked to an article above that has some great recipes. If your pup is a picky eater, you may have to get a little more creative. This article gives some options for feeding a picky Yorkie.
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