It is silky and gorgeous and often kept long to show it off.
Why would anyone want to shave that beautiful hair off?
For a number of reasons, actually.
Sometimes it is necessary due to an illness, or in preparation for surgery.
Some owners shave it to make their lives easier. It takes lot of work to maintain the famous Yorkie coat.
Others like to shave it in the summer, to offer their pet some respite from the heat.
But is it a good idea to shave a Yorkie when it is not necessary?
Keep reading to learn if Yorkies should be shaved, what some potential dangers of shaving could be, and some alternatives to shaving your Yorkie.
Should Yorkies Be Shaved?
Yorkies should not be shaved, for the most part. It is not a good idea primarily due to their sensitive skin. However, if your vet or groomer recommend shaving your dog, then you can go ahead and do it.
Yorkie owners may choose to shave their Yorkies for various reasons, like an illness or a shedding problem. There are instances where shaving is the best option, but in many cases, there are better alternatives.
Yorkies have a different coat from other dogs. They have human-like hair that is not like typical dog fur. A Yorkieโs coat is silky, long, luscious, and glossy. But that gorgeous hair comes at a price. Their coat requires special care.
Maintaining Yorkshire terrier hair is more difficult. It needs regular brushing, combing, cleaning, and grooming, just like our hair. If it is not properly maintained, a Yorkieโs coat can quickly start looking dull. It can develop mats and tangles which can lead to skin issue.
The same goes for many crossbreeds with Yorkie blood. A good example is the Australian Silky Terrier, which resulted from Australia Terrier and Yorkshire Terrier parents. We have an article that compares the Silky Terrier vs Yorkie.
Many Yorkie owners consider shaving their pup’s coat to make it easier to take care of. Another common reason for shaving their Yorkies is the hotter summer weather. We figure our dogs would be more comfortable without all that long hair warming them up.
But unless it is for surgery or due to an illness, shaving your dog’s hair is not a good idea. Go ahead and cut it short, but not too short. Let’s look at some reasons it is not a good idea to shave your Yorkie, unless you absolutely have to.
Dangers Of Shaving Your Yorkie
Shaving your Yorkie is not a good idea, because it can do more harm than good. Here are some of the dangers associated with shaving your pup’s hair.
Harmful UV Rays
Yorkies have thinner and denser skin than humans. As a result, shaving your dog can expose it to serious harm. Without the coat of hair to protect the delicate skin, it gets exposed directly to the sun’s harmful UV rays.
This can put your Yorkie at risk of developing skin cancer or getting a heat stroke. Additionally, your dog will also be more prone to getting bug bites.
Physical Dangers
As already mentioned, Yorkies have thin, delicate skin that is more prone to damage without hair. Besides insulating a Yorkieโs body, the coat also protects it from most types of physical damage.
Yorkies are very susceptible to injury when hair is not covering their body. If you shave your pup, you will need to be more careful about where your dog plays, walks, etc.
Irregular Hair Patches
Shaving typically means completely removing hair from your Yorkieโs skin. After you shave it, your dog will experience hair regrowth.
You can never know exactly how your Yorkieโs hair will grow out after shaving. For instance, hair in some areas of the body might not grow back correctly or at the same rate as in other areas of the body.
In a case like that, your dog will end up with irregular hair patches, due to the differences in hair growth patterns. Other times, Yorkies may also have their hair grow back in a different color or shade than before.
Should You Shave Your Yorkie In The Summer?
The primary reason most Yorkie owners consider shaving their dogs is to protect them from the summer heat. In fact, summer is the only time of the year when you should even consider shaving your dog. In the winter, the risk of freezing is just too high.
Most people assume that Yorkies find their long and silky hair annoying in the heat. The luscious hair can often stick to the skin during a hot and humid weather, just like human hair.
And sure, maybe your dog does find this annoying. Yorkshire terriers can get hot easily. But shaving their hair off is not the answer.
The truth is, a Yorkieโs coat actually helps keep it cool during the summers, just like it keeps it warm in the colder months. If you remove the coat, you interfere with the Yorkieโs natural thermal regulation process. And that is never the best idea.
But you do have to weigh it against the benefits of shaving your Yorkie. It can help your pup feel more comfortable in the heat, and it certainly makes the hair easier to care for.
Also, if your Yorkie loves swimming, shorter hair makes it that much easier. The longer the hair, the more water-logged it becomes weighting your pup down in the water.
In a nutshell, whether you shave your Yorkieโs coat depends on your specific situation and reasons. We always recommend to err on the side of not shaving.
There are plenty of different yorkie cuts that keep the hair short. But if you do shave your pup, just make sure you care for it well to prevent any issues.
You also want to be extremely careful and patient when actually shaving your dog (if you do it yourself). Shaving a petโs coat requires precision, and you might end up harming your pet if youโre not careful.
Tips For Shaving A Yorkie
Shaving a petโs coat is tricky, but it becomes much easier with practice. Here are some tips for you, if you are shaving your Yorkie for the first time. You should also read our full article on how to shave a yorkie at home.
Provide A Calming Environment
You need to be extremely careful not to harm your dog when shaving it. And the best way to reduce the risk of injury is to shave it in a calm environment.
Youโre likely to cut its skin, if your dog is anxious and doesnโt stay still. So gather your Yorkie’s favorite toys and create a pleasant environment.
Let Your Dog Get Familiar with the Shaving Tool
A dog is more likely to stay relaxed when it is already used to the shaver beforehand. Show the clippers or trimming machine to your Yorkie and allow it to sniff and inspect it fully. Turn it on and let your dog see there is no danger. Don’t start shaving until your pup is familiar and comfortable with the shaver.
You should also use a pair of specialized pet clippers. Do not just use your human clippers to cut your dog’s hair. They are not designed for that task and using them this way can damage the clippers and also your pet’s skin.
Will My Yorkie’s Hair Grow Back After Being Shaved?
Of course your Yorkie’s hair will grow back after being shaved. How long does it take for yorkie hair to grow back? It depends. And it may not grow back exactly the same way.
As mentioned above, sometimes, parts of the coat grow back faster than others, which can leave your dog looking patchy. Sometimes the color is different, too.
Alternatives To Shaving Your Yorkie
As should be abundantly clear, shaving your Yorkieโs coat has more cons than pros. The good news is that there are usually other alternatives.
Regular Grooming
Dogs can become irritable when their hair starts getting too long. Regularly trimming the hair can help your Yorkie stay comfortable and happy. How often you trim a Yorkieโs hair depends on how fast your particular dog is growing.
Regular grooming also refers to baths and sessions of combing and brushing. Proper trimming, brushing, and bathing help make a Yorkieโs hair more manageable.
Access To Cold Fresh Water
Like humans, pets need to drink water to stay hydrated during hot weather. If youโve been considering shaving your Yorkie to keep it cool, you should instead just make sure it always have fresh, cold water available.
Make sure to give your Yorkie plenty of water, so it stays hydrated during the hot summer. Cold water provides a cooling, calming, and refreshing sensation throughout the body. Cold water will also help your Yorkie cool down after being outside in the heat.
Can You Shave A Yorkie: Conclusion
Sometimes you have to shave your Yorkie due to an illness or to get it ready for surgery. If that is the case, you have no choice. Go ahead and shave it.
But if you are considering shaving your Yorkie to make your life easier or to help your pup survive the hot summer, you are probably better off not shaving it. Go ahead and keep the hair short, but not to the point of shaving it.
The potential drawbacks of shaving your Yorkshire terrier’s coat outweigh any potential benefits. In other words, it just isn’t worth the risk.
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