You guessed it: the hair!
The famous Yorkie coat is unique. It is different from other dogs and actually resembles human hair.
And as we all know, human hair requires a lot of care. Certainly more than dog hair.
It thus stands to reason that Yorkie hair must also take more effort to maintain than the hair of other breeds.
And that is indeed the case.
But just how much grooming does a Yorkie need? How often do you need to brush your Yorkie, for example?
Keep reading to learn exactly how much you should be brushing your Yorkshire terrier. We’ll also go into the different types of Yorkie coats, because they are not all the same and some require more care than others.
How Often Should I Brush My Yorkie?
Generally, you should brush your Yorkie’s coat at least twice a week. If your dog has a longer, unshaved coat, you might need to brush its hair at least three times every week.
In general, how often you end up needing to brush your Yorkie’s hair depends on the coat type. Those recommendations are the minimum. Brushing every day is ideal, if you can manage it. It makes maintenance so much easier.
Yorkshire terriers don’t have the typical coat of dog fur. They are famous for their beautiful coats of show-worthy hair. Most Yorkie have hair that resembles human hair. It is silky in texture and can grow incredibly long.
And a Yorkie’s hair demands just as much care as a human’s. You must maintain your dog’s coat if you want it to look healthy and beautiful all the time.
Your dog’s long, silky hair can quickly develop knots and tangles. The mats and tangles are the reason many owners prefer to shave their Yorkies and keep their coats short.
Can you shave a yorkie or is it better not to? In general, it is better not to shave your pup. Plus, Yorkies look best with longer hair. Most owners are proud of their dog’s beautiful hair.
If you want to keep your pup’s hair long, you need to know how to maintain your Yorkie’s hair, so it stays in top-notch condition. The first step is understanding what type of coat your Yorkie has. The type of coat determines how much care it needs.
Different Types Of Yorkie Coats
Yorkies are show-quality dogs. In fact, this breed has participated more than any other in various dog shows. According to the American Kennel Club, the best Yorkie for a dog show weighs no more than seven pounds and has a silky floor-length steel blue coat with a richly-hued golden tan.
The Yorkshire Terrier Club of America explains that not all Yorkshire Terriers inherit a coat that meets dog show requirements. In fact, Yorkies have different coat types that vary in hair texture and color.
Puppy Coat
The Yorkie puppy coat significantly differs from the adult coat in terms of color and thickness. A Yorkshire Terrier puppy’s hair is softer and thicker than an adult’s hair. The softness and thickness provide the baby with more warmth in low temperatures.
Moreover, a Yorkie puppy’s hair is darker than an adult coat, with a mix of black and tan highlights. However, these hair features usually fade as the dog grows older. Most Yorkies puppies go through several coat stages and develop their adult coat after twenty-four months.
Silky Coats
Typically, adult Yorkies have two types of coats: silky and wavy. Most dog owners prefer Yorkies with silky coats for two major reasons. First, soft dog hair looks beautiful and flattering, unless it is poorly maintained. Learn how to make and keep Yorkie hair silky here.
Second, silky haired Yorkshire Terriers meet the show dog standards set by the American Kennel Club. Silky Yorkie dog coats feature silky, long (preferably floor-length), straight (without any waves), and glossy (metallic sheen) hair.
When participating in dog shows, owners carefully groom their Yorkie’s hair to create a skirt-like style that touches the ground. In addition, they tie back the head hair with a bow.
Wavy Coats
The second type of coat common among adult Yorkies actually has quite a few names: wire coat, cotton coat, woolly coat, and wavy coat.
Unlike silky coats, wavy Yorkie adult coats do not grow out long, silky, or straight. Instead, cotton coats are thicker, denser, and wavier. Usually, this makes Yorkies look double-coated. This type of adult Yorkie hair coat is highly textured and looks woolly.
Woolly coats have a significantly different growth pattern. Generally, this hair doesn’t grow past a few inches. Additionally, textured Yorkie hair is prone to developing mats and tangles and it also sheds more often.
Therefore, it is necessary to brush a wavy coat more often than a silky one. Ideally, it would be best to do so every two to three days at an absolute minimum. Regular grooming is essential.
Do Yorkshire terriers shed a lot? No, they shed far less than most dogs, even the ones with silky hair. But, as mentioned, they do need regular grooming.
You can also apply oil or specialized products to the coat to help smooth it out and reduce matting. Can you put baby oil on dogs? You can, but there are some potential dangers. Better to use something like coconut oil or olive oil. Dilute it in water and put it in a spray bottle. The link above explains how.
Should You Brush Your Yorkie’s Hair Daily?
Yorkshire Terriers are hypoallergenic dogs, leading many dog owners to believe they do not shed hair. This is only partially true. Yorkies shed less hair than other dog breeds, but they still lose hair, in the same way we humans lose hair.
Since Yorkies have human-like hair instead of typical dog fur, they are also more prone to knots and mats. Therefore, it is best to brush your Yorkie’s hair as often as you would brush your hair, i.e. every day. If you can, brush your dog’s hair daily to prevent tangles and breakage.
Besides helping you maintain your Yorkie’s long, luscious locks, brushing daily is a great bonding activity. Yorkies view hair brushing as a form of affection and love.
It also depends what your pup gets into. Some dogs just see to have a knack for getting dirty.
Dog that love to swim and often jump into bodies of water just for fun need more brushing, for example, since they are constantly getting their fur wet. Do Yorkies like water then? Not all, but some love it.
How Often Yorkies Need Brushing: Related Questions
Now we will address some of the most common questions we get related to brushing your Yorkie. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments below.
Do Yorkies Need Special Shampoo?
Yorkies may have human-like hair, but it is not a good idea to use human hair care products on your pup. No matter how well a shampoo works for you, it can adversely affect your Yorkie’s hair quality.
The wrong shampoos can dry out dog skin and hair, causing skin irritation and frizzy, dull, and unhealthy-looking hair. Investing in high-quality special dog shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in conditioner is better, if you want your dog’s coat to look soft, silky, and healthy.
You can always make your own homemade dog conditioner. That will save you some money and also ensures you know exactly what is in it.
As for brushing a Yorkie’s hair, you should comb and brush it before and after bathing your dog. Detangling the hair before a bath helps prevent the tangles from worsening when the hair gets wet. It also separates the hair strands for better cleaning.
Although dog hair care products ensure soft and silky Yorkie hair, shampoo and conditioner residue can have the opposite impact. The residual product builds up in the hair to form tiny clumps that clog the skin and destroy the hair texture.
It is a good idea to always rinse a bit more than you think is needed. And if you use a conditioner not meant for dogs, this is doubly true. Can you use human conditioner on yorkies? Sure, but if you use it regularly, it will build up in the fur and begin to cause skin problems.
What To Do Before Brushing Your Yorkie’s Hair
Most Yorkie owners mindlessly dive into the hair brushing step. But it is best to first comb and spray your dog’s hair, before brushing it. This is not unlike us humans. When we get our hair cut, the hairdresser aso combs and moistens our hair first.
Start by combing your Yorkie’s entire coat, in order to detangle minor knots and mats. Since combing separates the hair, it makes the brushing step more effective. It also keeps your poor dog from feeling when you directly snag a mat with a brush.
Brushing dry hair increases the chances of hair breakage.That’s why it is best to sprayed a leave-in dog hair conditioner onto your pup’s coat before brushing it.
Not only does this prevent hair breakage, but it also ensures soft, shiny hair. Spraying a leave-in hair product before brushing your dog’s hair also helps prevent split ends and reduces environmental damage to the hair.
What Is The Best Comb For A Yorkie?
Combs are an essential grooming tool for Yorkshire terriers. Metal or stainless steel combs with narrow spacing on one end (for the face and small areas like the paws) and medium spacing on the other end (for the main body) are the best.
What Is The Best Brush For A Yorkie?
For medium to long hairs, a quality pin brush with moderate spread and comfort tips is excellent. For shaved or very short-trimmed coats, a boar bristle brush is best. It can also be used for finishing touches. Our article on the top Yorkie brushes can help.
How Often To Brush Yorkies: Conclusion
If you can manage it, it is best to give your Yorkie a quick brushing every day. If you can’t do it that often, aim for every other day, or three times per week, at a minimum.
Obviously, Yorkies with shorter hair cut styles don’t need to be brushed as often. It also depend how badly your Yorkie tends to mess up its fur over the course of a day. Basically, brush as often as you need to to keep your pup’s coat mat and tangle free.
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